How to Develop a Brand Buyer Persona - Oyova
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How to Develop a Brand Buyer Persona for Your Business

How to Develop a Brand Buyer Persona for Your Business

Why is customer acquisition so expensive? New customers are not a burden, but the foundation of your business. The question is, how do you attract customers to take a chance on a new product or service they’ve never tried?

Developing a brand buyer persona reduces the cost of finding new customers. Not only this, but it helps you refine your brand message and manner of marketing in general.

Steps to Reach New Customers with Buyer Personas

Step 1 – Ask Happy & Unhappy Customers Questions

Interviewing your customers is the quickest way to identify what makes your buyers tick. You can find out a lot about the expectations of your customers, and the delivery of your products or services by identifying the good, the bad, and the ugly of customer opinions.

You may be hesitant to hear something bad, but in fact, negative feedback may actually have the most benefit when it comes to adapting your brand. Knowing who is happy with your products and why helps you develop a narrower focus. It’s best not to dwell on negative reviews, but to take these opinions into consideration when identifying your target audience. Instead, focus on what your “ideal customer” has to say when creating new content.

Step 2 – Identify Your Ideal Buyer

Happy customers fit the description of “ideal buyer”. But this won’t help you much when narrowing down a buyer persona and targeting a specific audience. When developing a brand buyer persona, take into consideration what all your best customers happen to have in common. Did they find your website using the exact same source or social media site? Do they have similar interests or work in a certain industry? There are many ways to shape your “ideal buyer” — from traditional demographics to more customized ideas about your main target audience.

Step 3 – Learn About the BIG Problems

Why is your customer even online? Your customers are probably searching for a solution to a problem. Therefore, it’s important to get to know the biggest problems your ideal buyer might have and adapt a strategy that speaks to these solutions. This will help improve your SEO by giving you more insight into how to adapt your keywords and content to connect with more search queries. In addition, customers sometimes are not aware of other problems that your product or service can help solve. Identifying additional problems helps your customer understand the benefit of your solution.

Step 4 – Find Out Where They Get Their Information

Some people still watch the news on television, but chances are, many have adapted to find news or updates for recent events in their social media feeds and other various websites. I usually don’t have time for the news and get most of my information from what’s shared by friends on Facebook, but I rarely use Twitter. Because of this, I would be much more likely to respond to an ad someone shared on Facebook rather than the same ad on Twitter. Figuring out which sites your customer uses online — blogs, social media networks, search engines, etc. — will help develop a brand buyer persona that works.

Step 5 – Reverse Engineer Each Referral

Each time you succeed at selling to a new customer, ask how they found you, or look to the analytics to reverse engineer the process. If you’ve ever filled out a new patient form at the doctor or dentist, you might remember this question — how did you find us? Smart companies know that the best way to determine the focus of your marketing is to simply ask your customers.

Building buyer personas is a crucial part of reducing the cost of customer acquisition and tailoring content to a specific audience. Start reaching more customers with a digital marketing strategy by Oyova — a St. Petersburg web design, content marketing, social media management, and e-commerce web development agency.